2.3.1 工具类: RandomNumUtil


创建包: com.atguigu.dw.gmall.mock.util

package com.atguigu.dw.gmall.mock.util

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.Random

  * 生成随机数据的工具
object RandomNumUtil {
    private val random = new Random()

      * 生成随机的整数, 区间: [from, to]
      * @param from
      * @param to
      * @return
    def randomInt(from: Int, to: Int): Int = {
        if (from > to) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"from: $from 不能大于 to: $to")
        else random.nextInt(to - from + 1) + from

      * 创建多个 Int 值
      * @param from
      * @param to
      * @param count     创建的 Int 值的顺序
      * @param canRepeat 是否允许重复
      * @return List[Int] 集合
    def randomMultiInt(from: Int, to: Int, count: Int, canRepeat: Boolean = true): List[Int] = {
        if (canRepeat) {
            (1 to count).toList.map(_ => randomInt(from, to))
        } else {
            val set = mutable.Set[Int]()
            while (set.size < count) {
                set += randomInt(from, to)

      * 生成一个随机的 Long 值 范围: [from, to]
      * @param from
      * @param to
      * @return
    def randomLong(from: Long, to: Long): Long = {
        if (from > to) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"from: $from 不能大于 to: $to")
        else math.abs(random.nextLong) % (to - from + 1) + from
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